a perfectly-grilled medium-rare steak cut thin

The Science Behind Perfectly Grilled Meat

I’ve always been passionate about cooking and experimenting with new recipes. One of my favorite recipes to cook is my grandmother's chicken and dumplings. But I know my way around the grill, too! This National BBQ Month, I want to talk about my secret to grilling success. You see, there’s a precise science to achieving the perfect level of tenderness and flavor. In this article, we will explore the science behind perfectly grilled meat.

Grilling vs Other Cooking Methods

Open-flame grilling creates a seared exterior while keeping the inside of the meat juicy and tender–at least when it’s done correctly. Unlike baking or braising, grilling requires a high heat source (typically a grill) that quickly cooks the outside of the meat while leaving the inside tender and moist.

Choosing the Right Cut of Meat

One of the keys to perfectly grilled meat is choosing the right cut of meat. The ideal cut of meat for grilling is one that is marbled with fat. This fat will melt as the meat cooks, basting it from the inside, resulting in a more tender and flavorful meat.

For beef, cuts like ribeye, sirloin, and flank are good options.

For chicken, thighs and drumsticks work well.

For pork, chops and tenderloin are ideal.

Properly Preparing the Meat

Before grilling, it's crucial to prepare the meat properly. Seasoning the meat is a good place to start. This not only enhances the flavor of the meat but also helps to create a crust on the outside, which adds texture.

You have three basic choices to season your meat:

1. Rub

2. Marinade

3. Season on the grill

As a (very) rough rule of thumb, I like to make a rub for pork, I like to marinade my chicken and fish, and I like to season my steaks and burgers while they’re on the grill. But this procedure will vary according to recipe.

Another important step in preparing the meat is to let it come to room temperature before grilling. This helps the meat cook more evenly, as the center of the meat will be closer to the outside temperature.

A rookie mistake is to try to use the upper shelf of a grill to defrost frozen meat. We’ve all tried it, and it can technically be done, but the results are never ideal.

Getting the Grill Temperature Right

The temperature of the grill is also a critical factor in grilling meat. The grill should be preheated to the correct temperature before placing the meat on it. The temperature will vary depending on the type of meat you're grilling.

For example, beef should be cooked at a higher temperature than chicken or fish. A good rule of thumb is to heat the grill to medium-high heat for beef, medium heat for chicken and pork, and low heat for fish.

Chicken and turkey should be cooked until the thickest part of the meat has an internal temperature of at least 165°F, or until the juice runs clear. Pork chops and loins should be at least 160 ºF. Rare steak should be cooked to at least 140 ºF.

Well-done steak should be given to the dog.

Resisting the Temptation to Flip

When grilling meat, it's important to resist the temptation to keep flipping the meat over. Meat needs time to cook and develop a crust on the outside, and constantly flipping it over will discourage a proper sear.

It's recommended to flip the meat only once during cooking. For thicker cuts of meat, such as steak or pork chops, use tongs to turn the meat instead of a fork, as puncturing the meat can cause juices to escape, and that’s a preventable tragedy.

Letting the Meat Rest

Finally, it's essential to let the meat rest before cutting into it. When meat is cooked, the juices move towards the center. If you cut into the meat immediately after cooking, the juices will escape, resulting in a drier meat. Letting the meat rest for a few minutes before cutting into it allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a juicier, more flavorful cut.

Achieving Perfectly Grilled Meat Every Time

The science behind perfectly grilled meat comes down to a few essential factors: choosing the right cut of meat, preparing it properly, cooking it at the correct temperature, resisting the urge to flip it over constantly, and letting it rest before cutting into it. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to achieving perfectly grilled meat every time.

Whether you're grilling for a family barbecue or a romantic dinner for two, understanding the science behind grilling meat can help you take your grilling skills to the next level and impress your guests with perfectly cooked and delicious meat. So go ahead and fire up the grill - your taste buds will thank you!

Article Originally published on